
A Candidate is the term that we use to signify a person who is learning to become a football official and is a candidate for membership. All candidates must take the officiating training class provided by the EMAIFO and pass the test at the end of the class to become a member of EMAIFO and be eligible to officiate Varsity football games.

Please Note: When the class schedule is updated, a status post will indicate that it is up-to-date.

New Candidates 2022

The Spring Candidate’s Class really has three components to it:  

  1. 10 evening classes, starting May 3 and running through July 12th, every Tuesday evening, 6:00 PM-7:15 PM.  This is the rules/class work and culminates in a written exam.
  2. Mid-July to Mid-August Non-contact passing scrimmages where the candidates can get the feel of on-field mechanics.
  3. Mid-August to 1st week in September full contact high school scrimmages to put the class work and the field work together.

  Additionally, you can take the course asynchronously from our ‘New Candidates Website’. This means that if you can’t attend the class that runs from May to July, you can start the course at any time and complete the work to become an official by following the instructions provided on the ‘New Candidates Website’.

By the time the first high school games are played, right after Labor Day, the candidates should be ready to work a real game.  In their first year, they will work youth games, Freshman and Junior Varsity high school games.  These games will give the candidates a solid underpinning to move forward and be able to work games on the Varsity high school level. 

Please contact Chris Burgess VP Class Instruction with your interest at…

Phone: 717- 903 -2713
